How it works

Step 1 - Sign Up to Dry July

Sign-up to the challenge

Dry July Step 2 - Megaphone

Ask family, friends and workmates to donate to you

Dry July Step 3 - Wine bottle and glass crossed out

Go alcohol-free in July

Dry July Step 4 - Heart between upturned hands

Help people affected by cancer.

Ovarian cancer is the deadliest women’s cancer with a 5-year survival rate of just 49%.

The levels of psychological distress experienced by women with ovarian cancer are incredibly high, with women forced to deal with:

  • the severity of their surgery and other treatments that can result in surgical menopause and loss of fertility
  • how to tell their children about the impact the disease will have on their family
  • coping with changes in their body that impact on their sexual functioning and relationship with their partner
  • the very real fear they experience when their cancer comes back, which unfortunately is a reality for the majority of women diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer

By raising funds and going dry this July, you can ensure that women living with ovarian cancer can access the specialist support they need and deserve.

Ovarian Cancer image

Benefits of Dry July

Dry July Benefit - Clear your head

Clear your head

Dry July Benefit - More energy

More energy

Dry July Benefit - Sleep Better

Sleep better

Dry July Benefit - Weight loss

Weight loss

Dry July Benefit - Helthier skin

Healthier skin

Dry July Benefit - Sense of achievement

Sense of achievement

Want to know more?

Sign Up for free - 3 people sitting together

Sign up for Free

There is no minimum fundraising amount or cost to sign up to Dry July! It's 100% free!

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Dry July golden ticket

Golden tickets

Have a special occasion in July? You can always buy a Golden Ticket for a night off the challenge.

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Victoria's Story

By signing up for Dry July and selecting Ovarian Cancer Australia, you'll be helping people like Victoria.

Find out more

Important Note

Dry July is a fundraising campaign aimed at challenging social drinkers to change their habits for a month and make some healthy lifestyle changes. We would encourage people to drink responsibly and stick to the recommended daily guidelines for the rest of the year. We advise heavy drinkers or people dependent on alcohol to speak with their GP before signing up to Dry July.